Bar Pot, Gaping Gill

Entrance Pitch

Bypassable via either Stile Pot or Small Mammal Pot.

35m of rope is sufficient for both pitch and greasy slab handline.

Make the second section of traverse sufficiently slack to allow it to be the clipping-in point for the tight pitch head.

Greasy Slab

As above, 35m of rope is sufficient for both Bar Pot entrance pitch and greasy slab handline. Alternatively, 9m rope required for handline alone. Climb is doable without handline but difficult for novices and a fall could be serious. If tackling without a handline, grip the top of the slab and feel for toe holds.

South East Aven Pitch

This pitch has a nicer hang than the normal big pitch (and its longest section is slightly shorter), but rigging it takes considerably longer.

90m of rope is needed from the usual rigging point for beginning big pitch to rig all of the South East Aven route. This assumes 3 bolts to get into the crawl traverse (before big pitch, boulder on big pitch head, then at entrance to crawl traverse) and following the direct line from there.

Wet Weather

Passable in nearly all conditions. After days of heavy persistent rain, the main chamber fills to be a several metre-deep lake and spills into South Passage to the bottom of Big Pitch.